5 Tips For Financial Responsibility During Quarantine

You can never go wrong by saving more frequently, and the way to do it is to modify your spending habits. When things return to normal, having that little cash cushion can be extremely motivating when you see how much you’ve saved in such a short period of time. Here are some of my tips on how to save money in these uncertain times, which we probably all might need a little. ♡


Now that there are less distractions for us to spend on, it is easier to revise bank statements and cancel unused subscriptions. Do you have both Apple Music and Spotify? What about streaming platforms? Split subscriptions with your friends. One of you can pay for Netflix, and the other can pay for Disney+ or Hulu. Be very practical about things and be clear on what is a must and what is a want.



With the extra time that we now have, take advantage of selling unused things online. Do you have clutter around your apartment? Now’s the time to get rid of the things that don’t spark joy. Check out some fun DIY projects before buying new things you don’t necessarily need. You can sell furniture via Facebook Marketplace or clothes on Depop and Poshmark. You don’t have to constantly be buying new clothes - just reorganize your closet and create new looks using old gems. When the time comes to dress up more, your entire regular wardrobe will feel new again. Dig into your skincare cabinet and look over the ingredients. Be more aware of what you actually use and continuously buy. Compare ingredients with other brands to find more affordable options. You’d be surprised on how much you can save with small changes like these!



Grocery trips, especially as a form of entertainment, can lead to a lot of impulse buying. Use the food you have, avoid food waste, limit trips to the store and budget a reasonable number of eating-out nights, so you look forward to special dates. Something we’re all guilty of is spending ridiculous amounts of money on coffee and tea. Curb your caffeine habit and brew your own coffee and tea at home.



Check with your landlord on their stance on a temporary rent cut. So many of us are struggling in one way or another and you never know what will come of it. Explain your current financial situation to them and discuss your standing as an excellent tenant. If it’s a ‘no’ at least you gave it a shot!



If you’re feeling the effects of COVID-19 and are unable to make ends meet, whether that means being let go or furloughed, now is the time to take online courses to further your skills and career. You can use your new knowledge to unlock better job opportunities for employment post lockdown or take a course on something that interests you. Life is more enjoyable with knowledge! If you’re interested in art history, a foreign language, or learning to play the piano, you can actually take free online courses here offered by prestigious universities on a wide variety of topics. For example, Yale actually is offering a free lectures of their most popular course, “The Science of Well-Being.”
